Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Fund’s full and summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

The investments held in the Fund’s portfolio may experience sudden, unpredictable drops in value or long periods of decline in value. Cap and Trade Risk. There is no assurance that cap and trade programs will continue to exist. Cap and trade may not prove to be an effective method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, or due to other factors, cap and trade programs may be terminated or may not be renewed upon their expiration. Investment Capacity Risk. If the Fund’s ability to obtain exposure to carbon credit futures contracts, which are commodity futures contracts linked to the value of emission allowances (“Carbon Futures”), consistent with its investment objective is disrupted for any reason including, limited liquidity in the Carbon Futures market, a disruption to the Carbon Futures, or as a result of margin requirements or position limits imposed by the Fund’s FCMs, the CME, or the CFTC, the Fund would not be able to achieve its investment objective and may experience significant losses.  

Distributor: Quasar Distributors, LLC.

The Carbon Streaming BITA Compliance Index is jointly owned by Carbon Fund Advisors Inc. and BITA GmbH, and is calculated, administered, and disseminated by BITA GmbH.

While the Carbon Strategy ETF utilizes the Carbon Streaming BITA Compliance Index (the “Index”) as a reference index, it is an actively managed fund and is under no obligation to follow the rules of the Index or invest in the underlying holdings of the Index and may not track the performance of the Index.

An emissions trading system, sometimes referred to as a cap-and-trade program, is a regulatory program designed to limit, or cap, the total level of emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, by companies in regulated industries, such as manufacturers or energy producers. The regulator, such as a governmental entity or supranational organization, allocates and/or auctions a limited number of annual emission allowances that allow companies to emit a certain amount of greenhouse gases. Companies are then penalized if they are unable to offset their emissions with enough emission allowances. If a company reduces its emissions levels, it can sell, or “trade,” unused emission allowances to other companies on the open market. Over time, regulators lower the number of emission allowances available each year, thereby lowering the total cap on emissions, making emission allowances more expensive, thereby incentivizing regulated entities to reduce their emissions.

The Fund expects to gain Carbon Futures exposure by investing in a wholly owned and controlled subsidiary of the Fund organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands (the “Subsidiary”). The Subsidiary is not registered under the 1940 Act, and, unless otherwise noted in the prospectus, is not subject to all the investor protections of the 1940 Act.

The Fund’s investment exposure to futures instruments will cause it to be deemed to be a commodity pool, thereby subjecting the Fund to regulation under the CEA and CFTC rules. Registration as a CPO imposes additional compliance obligations on the Advisor and the Fund related to additional laws, regulations, and enforcement policies, which could increase compliance costs and may affect the operations and financial performance of the Fund.

Shares are to be bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. Although it is expected that the market price of Shares will approximate the Fund’s NAV, there may be times when the market price of Shares is more than the NAV intra-day (premium) or less than the NAV intra-day (discount) due to supply and demand of Shares or during periods of market volatility.